Adult Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 6 June 2023, 6:30pm - Bedford Borough Council streaming

Adult Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 6th June 2023 at 6:30pm 









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  1. Lynn McKenna
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  1. Cllr Tim Caswell
  2. Cllr John Wheeler
  3. Cllr Tim Caswell
  4. Elizabeth Learoyd, Healthwatch
  5. Cllr John Wheeler
  6. Cllr Dylan Simmons
  7. Cllr Nicola Gribble
  8. Cllr Fouzia Zamir Atiq
  9. Kate Walker
  10. Mr Simon White
  11. Maura Noone
  12. Lynn McKenna
  13. Cllr Fouzia Zamir Atiq
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  1. Cllr Wendy Rider
  2. Cllr Tim Caswell
  3. Elizabeth Learoyd, Healthwatch
  4. Cllr Tim Caswell
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  1. Kate Walker
  2. Maura Noone
  3. Mr Simon White
  4. Mr Simon White
  5. Mr Simon White
  6. Cllr Tim Caswell
  7. Kate Walker
  8. Cllr Tim Caswell
  9. Cllr Wendy Rider
  10. Cllr Tim Caswell
  11. Kate Walker
  12. Cllr Tim Caswell
  13. Cllr Tim Caswell
  14. Cllr Nicola Gribble
  15. Kate Walker
  16. Cllr Nicola Gribble
  17. Kate Walker
  18. Cllr Tim Caswell
  19. Cllr Fouzia Zamir Atiq
  20. Kate Walker
  21. Mr Simon White
  22. Cllr Fouzia Zamir Atiq
  23. Kate Walker
  24. Cllr Fouzia Zamir Atiq
  25. Cllr Tim Caswell
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  1. Cllr Dylan Simmons
  2. Cllr Tim Caswell
  3. Kate Walker
  4. Cllr Tim Caswell
  5. Kate Walker
  6. Cllr Dylan Simmons
  7. Cllr Tim Caswell
  8. Cllr Dylan Simmons
  9. Cllr Tim Caswell
  10. Webcast Finished